Monsey Marks the Histalkus of the Baal Hatanya
Farbrengens held across the globe this past Motzei Shabbos and Sunday, Chof Daled Teves, marked 200 Years since the Histalkus of the Baal Hatanya v’haShulchan Oruch. The Monsey Community celebrated a massive Farbrengen, organized by Heichal Menachem of Monsey.
The Melava Malka was attended by Monsey’s local Rabbonim and drew a diverse crowd of over 600 men and bochurim, representing the entire spectrum of Yiddishkeit, all in their devotion to learning Chassidus.
The program was organized by its director, R’ Dovid Oberlander, son of Hagoan Rav Gedalia Oberlander, and was chaired by Rabbi Aaron Dovid Gancz. The evening was graced by dignitaries from as far away as Eretz Yisroel, Rov V’Motz Harav Yekusial Farkash and Harav Hachossid Rav Yosef Hecht, as well as the leading chozer of the divrei Torah of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, zy”a, Hagoan Hachossid RebYoel Kahan, and Harav Sholom Pollak dayan in Shikun Skver, who spoke passionately about the power of Chassidus and the influence of the Alte Rebbe both in Pnimiyus Hatorah – Chassidus, the Tanya, and Nigleh through the Shulchan Oruch Harav, both which he had authored.
Hundreds flocked to buy Chassidishe Seforim, especially those of the Alte Rebbe, marked down for this unique occasion. Throughout talented musician Yossi Cohen and his kappelah enhanced the evening with various Chassidishe niggunim. The inspiration was palpable as the evening concluded and all those in attendance received a tshura printed especially for this event.
Hoping Every Moment For Moshiach
Reb Duveed You did a great job…
Moshiach Now
very nice!!
wow!! Very impressive!
Moshiach now.
Now thats what a chassidishe farbrengen should look like. Wow wow wow. Now you tell me what’s more beautiful to Lubavitch, this, or the circus on Sunday mornings at 770?
Truly amazing how its ex-Satmar Chassidim who are reviving Chabad.
This Yoma D’hilula of the Alte Rebbe has brought so much ACHDUS amongst all sects of Yidden, around the world.
What a zchus to his hailiga neshomoh!
The Park Lane Chevra
What a big Kiddush Hashem. B”H Monsey was zocha to host such a event. Kuddos to Hatumim Reb Duveed.