Tzeirei HaShluchim – Tzfat Preparing for Yud-Alef Nisan

As soon as JEM’s latest video – Farbrengen with the Rebbe, Yud-Alef Nisan, 1982 – arrived in the mailbox last Thursday, thanks to the distribution by Vaad Talmidei HaTemimim HaOlami, the bochurim of Tzeirei HaShluchim – Tzfat joined to watch it and farbreng along.

The video presentation was in the zal with all the bochurim that started at 9pm and lasted until 3:30am, running right though the clocks being pushed ahead one hour. Despite the late hour, the zal was packed all until the morning. The farbrengen included a special mivtza, run by the yeshiva’s shluchim, where bochurim wrote summaries of the Rebbe sichos during the video farbrengen and qualified for prizes in a raffle.

After the video, the bochurim continued farbrenging with the yeshiva’s Mashpia, Rabbi Menachem Zilberstrom, and Adminstrative Director, Rabbi Menachem Traxler, until the morning. It was followed by the regular Friday morning seder Chassidus, the Rebbe’s seder, and davening shacharis. Only then did the group get some rest before taking off their regular Friday afternoon mivtzoyim rounds.