Opposition to Kehot logo registration dismissed by U.S. Copyright Office

The United States Patent and Trademark Office, today issued a ruling concerning the Kehot Publication Society logo, dismissing all opposition to its registration under Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch.

Major Decision in Favor of Merkos Regarding Kehot

Opposition to Kehot logo registration dismissed by U.S. Copyright Office

The United States Patent and Trademark Office, today issued a ruling concerning the Kehot Publication Society logo, dismissing all opposition to its registration under Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch.

Back in September of 2001 Merkos sought to re-register the Kehot logo as belonging to Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch, a move which was challenged by Vaad L’Hafotzas Sichos.

The Vaad presented various arguments, one of them being that the Kehot logo is “spiritual.” The Trademark Office found that: “the record shows that both the Previous Rebbe and the Rebbe… each took the business steps that any trademark owner would take with respect to a trademark, including filing for protection of the mark under the laws of New York State.

The Vaad also claimed that Kehot was not a devision of Merkos, and therefor the Kehot logo does not belong exclusively to Merkos. Merkos presented much evidence to the contrary, and the most compelling document being the minutes of the very first meeting of the Board of Directors of Merkos on October 9th 1942, a meeting in which both the Rebbe and the Friediker Rebbe were present, and the trademark office relied heavily on in rendering its decision.

The minutes read as follows:

There was then presented to the meeting a proposal that Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch, Inc. continue within its activities the work of “Kehot”, and that Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch, Inc. continue with the publications of “Kehot”, and its program and functions.

After discussion and consideration and by unanimous vote of all Directors present the following resolution was adopted.

Whereas “Kehot” has been engaged in the publication of literature of great vaule both in the religious and pedagogic field, and

Wereas it appears that such activity would well fit into the program of Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch, Inc. and it would be for the best interests of Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch, Inc. to assume and adopt the continuance of those publications here-after, and

Wereas Rabbi Joseph I. Schneersohn has signified his willingness to and does give and assign to Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch, Inc. the right to use the trade names of “Kehot” and “Kehot Publication Society” in publishing, advertising and distributing religious and pedagogic literature,

Now, therefore, it is resolved that the proposal as set forth above br and the same hereby is approved and the Executive Committee is directed to carry out the terms of thies resolution in all respects.

Rabbi Yosef B. Friedman, of Kehot, said, “the ruling speaks for itself. Historically the Rebbe always treated Kehot and its trademark as a division of Merkos. This ruling underscores that fact and the Rebbe’s policy that all teachings of the Rebbeim be published solely by Kehot, and that any entity seeking to publish is required to seek permission from Kehot to do so.”

Click Here to read the full decision.

Click Here to read the minutes of the meeting.


  • Trolly cars

    Mazal Tov , Yossi

    I hope the Elections will go to Bogomilsky and we can start building again .
    All Sheker comes to an end

  • Lubavitcher!

    Now that they won, and claim “any entity seeking to publish is required to seek permission from Kehot to do so” – let them publish quality and creative seforim instead of spending their time shutting down everyone who tries!

  • Yankel

    to number 2:

    I’m sure you already bought Sefer haMaamorim תרפ“ב and also תרצ”ב, and also the new volume אגרות קדש אדמו“ר מוהריי”צ נ”ע, and also שארית יהודה from the Alter Rebbe’s brother, and many other quality Seforim which were published recently by Kehos (there are others, these recent ones just came to mind just now), and for sure finished them already, and therefore are complaining! You for sure also bought all the many new volumes of תורת מנחם – התוועדויות of the Rebbe (the most recent one volume מא (!). Check your facts before you post!!!

  • Chona Nosson Gewirtz

    Why does your headline say the opposition was dismissed by the “U.S. Copyright Office? This was an opposition proceeding before the Trademark Trials and Appeals Board. The copyright office had nothing to do with it.

  • markos fan

    go markos u win every time and u will every time, god and the rebbe is with u and wont let the so called yazter hora annoy u

  • didan -dehasforim- notzach

    der rebbe hot durchgefirt noch a mol, alle soynim zol’n platzen!!

  • Shlome Seldowitz

    The Rayatz ruled ssion this long ago, and issued a klala to publish under Kehos as Kehos bereshus Kehos.

    Hence, when the yoshev rosh allowed me to use the kehos name symbol etc., Rabbi Groner urged me to get permission from the kehos board, which I did as they know.

    Even I had the rosh’s persmission (from the Rebbe), i asked the bonnim too.

    If there is a contention, Reb Y. and his son-in-law, speak up now. Or never complain later.