Kehot Releases Special Tribute to Teachers

The Educator’s Privilege, newly released by Kehot Publication Society, offers guidance and inspiration for educators from the talks and correspondences of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of blessed memory.

During more than forty years of leadership, the Rebbe dedicated himself to issues related to education, encouraging others to do the same. As a result of his efforts and vision, Jewish education continues to be at the forefront of Chabad’s innovative programming.

Compiled by noted scholar and author Rabbi Eli Friedman of Safed, Israel, and translated by Rabbi Aryeh Solomon of Sydney, Australia, The Educator’s Privilege emphasizes the privileges inherent to a life devoted to Jewish education, and addresses the role of the educator. It also provides readers with a glimpse into the works of the educational infrastructure of the world-wide Chabad-Lubavitch movement.

“Rabbi Friedman has successfully woven a tapestry of the Rebbe’s vast body of work on the privilege of serving in the field of Jewish Education. The Educator’s Privilege will no doubt inspire a new generation of Torah educators.

“The world of education will be the richer and educators all the more motivated and energized, due to this work,” says Rabbi Nochem Kaplan, director of Merkos L’inyonei Chinuch’s department of Education.

The book is available at


  • a bochur going to chicago as a Shliach

    hey we just got this new sefer @ the recent kinnus for the bochurim/shluchim……
    i recommend it to all!!

  • Tzvi

    Big thank yous to the Kehos team, all the rabbis: Yossi Friedman, Avrohom Holtzberg, Dovid Olidort, Avrohom Vaisfiche, Yirmy Berkowitz, Mendel Laine and all the people on Eastern Parkway.

    Keep up the good work!

  • very appreciative teacher

    Shkoach to Rabbi Solomon for translating this book, for those of us who don’t speak hebrew fluently…many thanks