JLI to be Featured in New American Encyclopedia

The JLI will be featured as Chabad’s leading educational undertaking in the soon-to-be published Encyclopedia of American Religion, Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky announced in his address to the over 600 participants at JLI’s National Jewish Retreat.

Professor Jonathan D. Sarna, renowned professor of American Jewish History at Brandeis University and regarded as the most prominent historian of American Judaism was approached by the publishers of The Encyclopedia of American Religions to write about the Chabad movement. Before submitting his writings, Professor Sarna sent it to Rabbi Krinsky for verification. Rabbi Krinsky shared with the Retreat banquet that the JLI was the only Chabad program singled out for its incredible achievements and far-reaching impact.

First published in 1978, and currently in its eighth edition, the Encyclopedia is updated every four years, and has become a standard reference work for the study of religion in the United States.