History Made in Canada’s Capital

Some of the greatest minds from Yeshivos, Shlichus positions and Kollels gathered together to form a Summer Yeshivah in the heart of the Lubavitch community in Ottawa.

The idea was thought up by Hatomim Hashliach Dovid Yonoson Caytak who had come to spend the few weeks in Ottawa after spending his year on Shlichus in New Haven at the Mesivta. The Bocherim sit from 11am till 2pm for a full morning Iyun Seder which includes a series of Shiurim on Shomeah K’oina that will be given by the Lubavitch Morah De’asrah of Ottawa, Rabbi Yehoshua Botnick, as well as a Seder Chassidus by night.

“The Summer Yeshivah has so far been a huge success” said Dr. and Mrs. Caytak, directors of the Jewish Youth Library. The library acts as the main centre for the Lubavitch Kehilah in Ottawa with daily Minyanim and Shiurim in chassidus, as well as classical Chabad House programs like Torah Studies classes and a recent talk by Rebbitzen Sara Kaplan from Tzefas.

“We look forward to hosting more of these great initiatives,” said Rabbi Dovid Hayes, Head Shliach of Ottawa, “And we are excited at the growth of the community.”

For more information on the Library please visit www.JYLofottawa.org and for information on Davening times and the Mikvah please email Rabbi@rambam.ca