Jewish School in Bible-Belt Needs Your Help!

The Knoxville Jewish Day School one of very few Chabad-run community day schools geared towards non-frum children, is hoping to gain enough votes to be one of 20 schools to win $500,000 from the Kohl’s Cares program.

To help the school win $500,000, click here and vote.

Founded in 2006 by the Shluchim to Knoxville, TN Rabbi Yossi and Miriam Esther Wilhelm, KJDS has seen expansive growth beyond any expectations over the first four years. From an initial student body of eight the first year, KJDS will be entering its fifth year with enrollment reaching thirty five students in grades K-5.

Knoxville is known as the buckle of the Bible belt and it is of utmost importance to ensure that children growing up in such a religious, non-Jewish environment be given a solid Jewish education so they develop a strong Jewish identity.

“We could have easily gotten away with a Hebrew school, and not deal with the financial headache of running a full-time day school, but as Shluchim of the Rebbe, how can we ignore the cry of the parents and children – and their birth-right as Jews – to receive a solid Jewish education?”

Please help KJDS win $500,000! If you have a Facebook account click here, you can vote 20 times but only 5 times per school gives us 5 minutes, 5 of your votes and you will help us change these children for a lifetime.

Vote now click here!


  • for your info:

    If you are trying to find it on Khol’s cares the school’s proper name is: Stanford Eisenberg Knoxville Jewish Day School

  • sam

    Share your votes with VOTESHA.COM you can win 8 ipads

    silverstein hebrew academy



    Here’s your chance to WIN UP TO 8 iPADS & do a big mitzvah. At no cost to you and it will only take you ONE MINUTE.
    This is your chance to help out a Chabad day school, the Silverstein Hebrew Academy.
    To all of you who have a facebook account please go to this link:

    once you go to this page you will need to do the following
    1 – Allow Kohl’s Access (they are a legitimate company, so it is OK)
    2 – Press the “like” button for “Like Kohl’s”
    3 – Press the button “Cast your vote” and put in the school’s name: Silverstein Hebrew Academy (Zip: 11021)
    4 – Press the “cast your vote” button 5 times, as you can vote for the school 5 times.
    5 – Once you have done steps 1 through 5, please email us at with your facebook name and email address – once I confirm that you did indeed vote 5 times, you will be entered into a raffle to win an IPAD. We will be drawing this raffle every week for 8 weeks, so you have 8 chances to win!! Those are high odds!! Make sure to vote now so you can qualify for all 8 weeks.
    By voting you GET A MITZVAH, HELP A CHABAD SCHOOL, GET INTO A RAFFLE FOR AN IPOD…8 TIMES!! And all this …. And it only takes u 1 minute to vote.
    Please do the right thing. Vote today. Tell your friends and family to vote too.
    Any questions? Email us at

  • Please Help us too

    You can vote for several schools…

    Please click here and vote 5 times fro Hebrew Academy of Margate

    This chabad school has a very good chance of winning, they already have 600 votes from their own community. 370 students plus over a thousand alumni

  • Please Help us too

    You can vote for several schools…

    Please click here and vote 5 times fro Hebrew Academy of Margate

    This chabad school has a very good chance of winning, they already have 600 votes from their own community. 370 students plus over a thousand alumni

  • SFJA

    This will just take a few minutes of our time -Please help our school win

    all you have to do is vote 5 times (that is the maximum allowed)
    for South Florida Jewish Academy, Coconut Creek, FL at

  • i dont have a face book!

    not fair! i cant be part of this mitzvah! its like a chassidishe yezer hara telling me to get a face book and vote….. but then use it after …. ANY way my parents dont let! its just not fair!!!! it alsow makes ppl. feel left out….
    i NEED ur advise … wat should i do???????????