9th of Adar: the Frierdiker Rebbe Arrives in America
After a 12-day sea voyage, the previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn (1880-1950), disembarked at the New York harbor on the 9th of Adar II of 1940, following his miraculous rescue from Nazi-occupied Warsaw.
Dov Cohen Ben Moshe Levvi
This image must be from the first time of the FR coming to the US – in the second he was on a wheelchair
Chabad History Expert
To dcbml:
If you noticed, the first time the FR came to America, he wasnt wearing a shtrimel. and the FR is using a cane, with Rabbi Liberman supporting him on one side, and his einikel (Berel Gurary) on the other.