Cheder Menachem of LA’s Tzivos Hashem Grand Expo

LOS ANGELES, CA [CHI] — Thursday, the 12th of Sivan, saw the entire Anash of Los Angeles, CA gather at Cheder Menachem, the Chabad Elementary boy’s school for the annual Chayolei Tzivos Hashem Grand Expo.

In 5741, the Rebbe established, “Tzivos Hashem”, an army made exclusively of Jewish children, whose job is to wage war versus the Yetzer Horah, bringing a final end to golus & usher in the coming of Moshiach It was therefore decided that the theme of this year’s Expo would focus on Tzivos Hashem, and the message of each of the 12 pesukim in particular.

Each one of the 14 units from Kitos Hey thru Ches were assigned a theme. They began by learning the sichos of the Rebbe pertaining to their possuk. Then, they began brainstorming ways to bring their theme to life, in a fun, creative and interactive manner.

The result was the most successful and educational Expo the Cheder and the community at large has hosted to date.

With well over 300 people in attendance, each attendee was encouraged to view and vote for each exhibit, both on its theme and creativity.

“Taking a topic such as the 12 pesukim, bringing them to life in an exhibit-format is a feat within itself!” said one parent. “Having to decipher them, displaying them in an interactive & tangible manner – it’s quite remarkable. However, when it comes to converting the 12 pesukim into exhibits, many themes have the potential of overlapping each other. For the boys to define each possuk so clearly, yet so distinctly one from another is simply amazing!”

But most impressive of all was the enthusiasm of the chayolim in explaining their theme.

“This is my 4th expo that I’m attending, so I’m not fazed as to the grandness and superb-talent the talmidim have displayed tonight – its become kind-of expected”, said another parent. “But the enthusiasm, excitement and clarity they all had in explaining their theme, in a simple, yet tangible manner – this year by far rates tops!”

The exhibits were left overnight so that all of the Cheder’s talmidim and local members of the press would be able to view the exhibits the next day.

“Our children have all learned – or are in the process of learning – the 12 Pesukim by heart,” explains Rabbi Leibel Cohen, coordinator of the event. “Here is a tangible opportunity to educate them in a fun and interactive manner what each one of these pesukim mean, represent and can relate to their day-today lives”,

Finally on Wednesday, Chai Sivan, the winners were announced: 3rd place was awarded to Unit Akeida (6th Grade – posuk of Kol Yisroel), where each child was awarded 2 seforim, “Der Rebbe Ret Tzu Kinder Vol. 5” & “Der Rebbin’s Kinder”.

2nd place was awarded to Unit Uforatzta (7th Grade – posuk of, “V’Zeh). Each child was presented with a framed picture of the Rebbe.

1st place was awarded to Unit Torah (7th Grade – posuk of Yoga’ati), who were awarded an all-expense paid Shabbaton, where they will assist a Shliach in enhancing his Shabbos programs.

All in all, it was a most beautiful event that injected an already infused Chassidishe Cheder with much chayus. It is the Cheder’s hope that this event gave the Rebbe, as well as everyone who benefited from the event much deserved nachas, further hastening the coming and redemption of Moshiach Tzidkeinu speedily in our days!