Chabad of the West-side Celebrates at 18th Annual Dinner

NEW YORK, NY [CHI] — Chabad of the West Side celebrated their 18th annual gala dinner on Thursday, June 4 at the NY Marriott Marquis. Chabad Early Learning Center parents, supporters and members of Chabad of the West Side gathered  to honor  Hank and Debbie Sheinkopf and Deborah Shapira and Barry Stern.

CELC director Pearl Stroh gave a moving tribute in memory of Morah Chana Raskin Wolvovsky, a beloved teacher at the CELC. Chabad will be dedicating a teacher resource room in their new building in Chana’s memory. Arik Raskin spoke poignantly as he accepted a copy of the dedication plaque.

The theme of the dinner was “Hakhel: Celebrating a Year of Unity”. Chabad of the West Side offers programs and services for people of all ages and from all walks of life. The popular preschool, vibrant shul, adult education and growing women’s and family programming all bring people together in the heart of the city.

Mazel Tov to Rabbi Shlomo and Rivka Kugel, Rabbi Meir and Sarah Ossey, Rabi Yisroel and Esther Miriam Fried , Rabbi Chayim Boruch and Sarah Alevsky, and the entire staff of the Chabad Early Learning Center for another wonderful year of growth and inspiration, sharing the light of Chassidus with the West Side Jewish community.