Camera Crew for JEM/Malka Touger film spotted in Chevron!

ISRAEL [CHI] — As reported earlier, JEM in collaboration with Malka Touger are in full swing of production of a new children’s Video; a tour through special sites of Chassidic interest in Eretz Yisroel, woven together with the Rebbe’s words about them. The video will tour the four Holy cities of Eretz Yisroel: Yerushalayim, Chevron, Tveria and Tzfas.

A camera crew with children actors was spotted acting out a few scenes in Chevron by the Meoros Hamachpela, Avraham Avinu Shul, the Kever of Rebbetzin Menucha Rochel and other holy sites in Chevron.

According to our sources, as the children go around to the different sites, they speak about them and the Rebbe’s view on them. In between scenes, the Rebbe speaks about the sites as well and the lessons for Jewish children.

More details to come as they become available…


  • Excited Parent

    Wow…it really looks like it was filmed professionally!

    I look forward it to be an inspiration to my children!

  • Dr Midos

    I think the kids should have their shirts tucked in..then they would be a good example for the kids that watch the video to not walk around like shloomps

  • To Dr. Midos

    excuse me Dr. Midos but what exactly is wrong with being tucked out? this isn’t the olden days when being tucked in was considered dignified, same as women don’t wear long dresses and must cover there full feet.

  • ?!?!!?

    dr midos
    welcome to chevron where people are not looking at chitzonius things like that…. sure makes it a more pleasant place to live

  • SRS

    Must be quite an excellent documentary if the only thing Dr. Midos can comment on is the person’s looks. We would all love to have kids who always have their shirts tucked in and never misbehave – I think Star Trek personifies them as “Vulcans”. Anyone else find it somewhat ironic that someone who identifies themselves as a professional in “midos” only commented on the way the kids look :-)

    One of the Aunts

  • A Proud Mother

    These talented boys worked very hard rehearsing and spent 12 gruelling but fun hours filming in Chevron on a hot day.
    Yashar koach to all the kids and crew. We can’t wait to see the final product!!
    One of the Moms

  • Uncle Baruch

    Looks very exciting, Yecheeee!!!!!! How do you make a nephew of a Brisker, Lubavitch? B”H. All stigmas are broken and ACHDUS reigns.