2nd Yohrzeit of R Levitansky – Hakhael Farbrengen in Simcha Monica

S MONICA, CA [CHI] — In Chabad House Simcha Monica a Hakhel Dinner and Farbrengen was held commerating the second Yortzeit of the Shliach HoRav Avrohom HaLevi ע”ה Levitansky, and celebrating 40 years of his dedication to Camp Gan Yisroel.

Over 500 people attended the event, including Rabonim, Roshei Yeshiva, Mashpiyim, Shluchim, Anash and Mekurovim. The common denominator between those who attended, was that the Chabad House was filled with people whose lives have been touched by Rabbi Levitansky, and who came to pay tribute, to share memories and be inspired to continue in the ways they were taught and had seen by Rabbi Levitansky.

Rabbi Eli Moshe HaLevi Levitansky, one of the sons of Rabbi Levitansky, and Shliach to S. Monica College emceed the event. He first called upon a dear friend of his father’s, Rav of Anash and Shliach of the Rebbe to Beverly Hills, Rabbi Yosef Shusterman, who led everyone in the recital of the Rebbe’s Kapitel of Tehillim. Rabbi Shusterman then related some stories and brought out the practical lessons to be learnt from Rabbi Levitansky, in the field of sensitivity and Ahavas Yisroel.

The MC then called on his oldest brother, who now directs the Chabad House and Peulos in Simcha Monica, Rabbi Isaac HaLevi Levitansky, who led the assembled in his father’s kapitel as well as some more kapitlach of Tehillim, which are customarily said in the Chabad House between Mincha and Maariv and shared a few words with the assembled. The MC then introduced his youngest brother, HaTomim Zev Mayer Halevi, who made a Siyum on the Rambam, and spoke about Achdus Yisroel, one of the main things his father is known for. This was followed by the Hascholo made by his brother-in-law, Rabbi Sholom Heidingsfeld.

The Guest Speaker was then introduced, Rabbi Akiva Wagner, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Lubavitch Toronto, who spent many summers in Gan Yisroel Simcha Monica, as counselor and head counselor. Rabbi Wagner addressed the crowd, drawing upon stories and personal encounters with Rabbi Levitansky, stressing the idea that he was a “Chai Lehachayos”, a Jew that was one with and alive with his Torah and mitzvos, and inspiring the crowd to further their growth in Torah and Mitzvos, imbued with Lebedikeit.

After Rabbi Wagner’s speech, a video was shown, a slideshow of pictures of Rabbi Levitansky throughout the years, which was very well received.. The official part of the program concluded with bentching and Maariv. After Maariv, a big Kiddush Levana was held, outside the Chabad house.

After the formal part had concluded, the Farbrengen continued with Rabbi Wagner, Rabbi Shimon HaLevi Raichik, Rav of Anash and of Congregation Levi Yitzchak, and many Shluchim and Temimim. The Farbrengen continued until about 3:30 in the morning.

A teshura was given out, including some of Rabbi Levitansky’s famous stories, answers from the Rebbe and more.

An appeal was made for the benefit of Camp Gan Israel which is startinmg this year’s session in a few week’s time. People were given the opportunity to sponsor different activities, or a day, week etc in camp, and get the zechus of the Mitzvos and Brochos said by the campers during that time. Those who wish, can still join in this opportunity, by logging onto the Chabad House’s website www.thechabadnik.org.