The worldwide Living Torah-thon is about to end. Hundreds of people from around the world have given graciously to help keep Living Torah going. Step up and get involved – help keep the inspiration coming!

To produce Living Torah week in and week out, it costs hundreds of thousands of dollars. Every week, thousands and thousands of people watch Living Torah at home, in their shuls or at schools. Please give even a small donation to keep the Living Torah’s inspiration coming…even if it’s only $36, $18, or $10.

Living Torah-Thon Coming to a close!

The worldwide Living Torah-thon is about to end. Hundreds of people from around the world have given graciously to help keep Living Torah going. Step up and get involved – help keep the inspiration coming!

To produce Living Torah week in and week out, it costs hundreds of thousands of dollars. Every week, thousands and thousands of people watch Living Torah at home, in their shuls or at schools. Please give even a small donation to keep the Living Torah’s inspiration coming…even if it’s only $36, $18, or $10.

See where Living Torah is watched around the world at:

Donate online at: