Teachers Training Course Kicks Off
CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — A larger than expected group of prospective teachers attended the orientation for the Teacher Training Program which was held at Beis Eliezer Yitzchok. This launched the 5769 semester of Teacher Training Program run by the Menachem Education Foundation (M.E.F.). The M.E.F. was created in order to “raise the bar of Jewish education by professionally training teachers”
More pictures in the Extended Article!
The introductory plenary address was given by The Rabbi Zalman Shneur. Subsequently, Rabbi Yosef Simpson spoke about the benefits of joining the educational sector feet first, with the confidence to teach proficiently as a result of training. Rabbi Levi Kaplan explained the student /teacher mentoring program. This program allows the students a hands-on teaching opportunity with guidance from an experienced educator.
The teacher training course covers many subjects, such as Classroom Management, Teaching Methodology and Lesson Planning, Identifying Developmental Disability &Building Religious Growth. The lessons are focused on bringing back the excitement for the chinuch from the alte heim with modern teaching methods such as Differentiated Instruction and Understanding by Design (UBD).
This course is professionally run by a team of experienced and skilled educators who graciously share of their knowledge and experience to enhance the quality of the children’s education.
The Crown Heights Jewish Community applauds and thanks the soon-to-be teachers who are committed to the most important job of all.
Zalman Shneur, the director of M.E.F said “I am privileged to work and learn together with these gifted mechanchim towards an improved and enriched education for the children of our communities.
The Menachem Education Foundation is endorsed by Igud Menhale Yeshivos.
To donate to this special program or to find out more information about the Menachem Education Foundation please visit www.mymef.org.

experienced & TRAINED teacher
It’s about time!! Now maybe our kids have a better chance of staying in the system if their Rebbes are better equipped to deal with children, instead of hitting, screaming, or throwing them out of the classroom.
A shame such a small attendence. Where is everyone else?
Crown Heightser
Thank you to Rabbi Shneur for creating such a wornderful program to help our community!