First Bris Performed in the Rugged Cusco Mountains

CUSCO, Peru [CHI] — Rabbi Ofer and Yael Kripor are part of a dedicated team of Shluchim serving the Israeli – post army – back packers and other tourists. Their Chabad House is located in the rugged mountains of Cusco Peru. It provides its visitors a welcoming Jewish experience with convenient services and kosher food. On Shabbat they have about 250 Israelis guests serving them Challah that’s baked in the Chabad House’s stone oven, and chicken Shechted by Rabbi Ofer, who is a Shochet.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

On ‘Erev Rosh Chodesh Kislev’ Rabbi Ofer and Yael entered their son into the covenant of Avraham. ‘This is the first time a bris is performed in Cusco’ said Rabbi Schneur Zalman Blumenfeld, head Shliach of Peru, living in Lima. Rabbi Blumenfeld was honored with Blessing the child and naming him Sholom DovBer. Rabbi Levi Heber, a Mohel from NY, was flown in to perform the Bris. He was given specific instructions on how to handle the lack of oxygen due to the high altitude of 11,000ft above sea level.

Eduardo Elsztain, philanthropist and Chabad supporter from Argentina, flew in to be Sandak. He told the participants that he too, at the age of 23, was in Cusco as a back packer and hiker. The participants put on Teffilin and prayed, some for the first time. Eduardo Elsztain was honored with making a blessing on the Torah that he had previously donated.

After the Bris, Rabbi Ofer told the Israeli participants that they typically go to remote locations in pursuit to reach the limits of nature. However, the Bris represents a level that surpasses the limits of nature and that the Israeli back packers should draw on that strength to bring G-dliness wherever they go.