First Group of Talmidim HaShluchim Arrive in Sydney Australia!
SYDNEY, Australia [CHI] — This morning, 22 Marcheshvan – 20 November, the first group of Talmidim Hashluchim have arrived! The first group comprises 16 young men and BE”H next week an additional 18 young men will be coming to serve as Rabbinical students in the Yeshiva Gedola of the Yeshiva Centre – Chabad Headquarters in NSW, Australia.
More pictures in the Extended Article!
The boys started their Shlichus with a dance of joy, upon arriving in the Yeshiva in Bondi, immediately after the morning prayers, Bentching of Hagomel and breakfast, they had an intense orientation session with Rabbi Pinchus Hakohen Feldman, Head Shliach of the Rebbe in NSW, Rabbi Yosef Feldman the Menahel of the Yeshiva , Rabbi Yaakov Lieder and other members of the Yeshiva administration. They all welcomed the new young Rabbis in training and impressed upon them the great privilege and responsibility of being a Shaliach of the Rebbe together with some of the innovations planned to enhance their shlichus in all areas of learning and communal work. Chabad of Sydney wish the young Shluchim much success in their learning and hard work and may this hasten the coming of Moshiach Now!

Hey Yitzi..B”H u got there safely!!! We miss you already:)Hatzlacha Rabbah and a great year!
Hey Yitzy
I hope get a chance to unpack your jacket very soon for Dovening.
Michoel Harari
just wondering
Who is writing these articles…. it sounds a bit like Rabbi Pinchus Feldman’s personal attache secretary…
moshiach now
go gruny!!!
mazel tov all you guys have a good successful year bring moshiach now!!!
Where are the Cows?
How come there is no Pictures of their Shlichus of Milling the Cows in New Zealand! They worked so hard over there! Good Luck y’all – see ya Yitzy!
der shliach is nisht azoi
attache !!! yes i must agree… perhaps the authour is eliyahu hakohen sgan shliach haroshi ben harav hakohen hashliach harashi pichus hakohen feldman ben hrav hakokhen hashliach haroshi meod gadol rav feldman shel new sout vales…
alts is gut
the kudans
GO Sholom Ber!!!!! so happy to see you!!!! hope you have a fun time!
Amen to the brachah, and we add our own brochos of hatzlacha rabbah for you, Sholom Ber, and all the Talmidim HaShluchim.
P.S. Those are great pictures!
hey much success getze and yanky you guys should accomplish a lot to help bring moshiach!!!
nice to see all the bochurim in white shirts though i wonder how many will still be wearing them at the end of the year…
M.Beenstock (Ex-sydney Shliach)
Hatzlacha, may you be Zoce with the Rebbes Brochas to fullfill your Shlichus, and may the Hanhala have a succesfull year with everything.
shmooky looking good
stop wondering
*attache !!! yes i must agree… perhaps the authour is eliyahu hakohen sgan shliach haroshi ben harav hakohen hashliach harashi pichus hakohen feldman ben hrav hakokhen hashliach haroshi meod gadol rav feldman shel new sout vales…
alts is gut*
def not…this has the breath of life w/ the pen of Harav Kaye Sheyichye…best shliach ever:)…but nice try