Bruchim Haboim to the New Shluchim at YNS Tzfas
TZFAS, Israel [CHI] — The bochurim at YNS enjoyed a wonderful Chof Cheshvan farbrengen together with the Bruchim Haboim for the new Shluchim of the yeshiva.
HaRav Levi Wilchanski, the Mashpia of the yeshiva, spoke about the greatness of the day by telling over many fascinating stories of the Rebbe Rashab.
Rabbi ‘O’rimland, the Rosh Yeshiva, spoke about the great responsibility that the shluchim have and that is to bring out the shine of the diamond within each and every bochur. Rabbi ‘O’ also mentioned how amazed he was of the tremendous inspiration and devotion that the shluchim have already shown towards the bochurim within the first two weeks of the yeshiva.
Hatomim Hashliach Mendy Cohen who stayed on for a second year of shlichus introduced the new shluchim and said how he is looking forward to another fantastic year at the yeshiva. Hatomim Hashliach Shmuly Rappaport told the bochurim that they should remember that it is only a normal process that while climbing the ladder of life a person can slip and fall but it is important to get back up right away and continue climbing again. Hatomim Hashliach Yisroel Rosenzweig spoke about the fact that when a person is inside and looks out the window he may see people dancing, not hear the music and therefore he really does not understand what exactly is happening however if he would hear the music he would go out and join the dancing. He connected this to how every bochur should hear the music of Chassidus and put it into action. He finished off with a message directed to Rabbi ‘O’ saying that in the short time that he’s been here he realizes that YNS is not just a yeshiva but it is a ‘family’ bonding together with love and warmth. Hatomim Hashliach Zacci Witkes continued on with a moshol showing that no matter what the situation is or how hard times are Hashem is always with us and therefore even when we feel down and out and things are not going that great for us we should always remember there is a reason and purpose for everything. Hatomim Hashliach Dovid Hassan brought down a point from a sicha on the parsha that we have to learn from Avrohom Avinu how to utilize our time correctly and to take advantage of every moment. He then introduced the mivtza for Yud Tes Kislev which the bochurim welcomed with great excitement.
Habochur Hatomim Shloime Litvin, who is currently learning smicha at the yeshiva, spoke about the fact that in the year and a half that he has been in the yeshiva his life has completely changed. He said that it is not only thanks to Rabbi ‘O’ and to the Rebbeim but also to the impact that the shluchim from last year had on him and how he is excited and looking forward to working with the new shluchim and continuing his growth. The farbrengen continued on until four in the morning with tremendous excitement and involvement from the bochurim. Habochur Hatomim Dovid Schwartz even gave an explanation of what one of the Rebbeim Reb Avigdor Landesman spoke about concerning b’chira. Towards the end of the farbrengen the shluchim mentioned to Rabbi ‘O’ how they were amazed at five of the bochurim who this week said over the Ma’amer that they learned this past Friday night. A big yasher koach to the following bochurim; Shloime Litvin, Chaim Avrohom Rabinowitz, Meir Roetter, Yossi Simpson and Dovber Lubin on a job well done!

I know that another name to the yeshiva, is affectively “Rabbi O’s yeshiva” (Rabbi Orimland).
But what does the acronym “YNS” stand for?
Thanks in advance,
The Lubin Fasmily
DovBer we are hearing wonderful news about your progress in yeshiva! Keep up the great work. Love from all your family.
A very special thanks to the Shliach Yisroel. Thanks for the encouragement you are giving DovBer.
Love From Your Whole Family.
Go Yossi R!!!!
Your fan club
Mommy and Tatty
Great Job Yossi S. Keep up the good work.
Love Mommy and Tatty
uncle mo
looks like all you guys are really doing very well.
keep up the great work!!!!
uncle mo
Proud Parents
Good to see your smiling face!
Keep up the good work.
Love, T,M,L,D,G,C,S,R,D,and Y
The smile on your face says it all! And the smile on ours, too! Rgds to Red and Chaim Avrohom!
Muma Rochel
Yossi Rubin is so yummy I just want to eat him all up!! so delicious
m. benshimon
Rabbi ‘O’, i love seeing the way u bring out the best in every boy individually,
it’s the begining of a new yr, with the new shluchim that u have im sure u’ll do a great job,
wishing u hatzlacha in everyway possible….
from a shliach in fl.
hi head shliach hatomim mendy cohen good to c u working hard?? say hi to evry one 4 me thanx!
Go Jedidja!
Great to see you Jedidja – at least online…
We’re sure you’ll have a great year!
Waiting to hear from our long lost brother…
ma and ta
Yeah we see Zacci!!! We miss you soo much. Hatzlacha Rabbah
last years crew
head shliach mendy cohen-you are doing a great job
shluchim-Ur doing an amazing job
to all the guys in YNS you are all the best!!!!
keep up the amazing work,i am very proud of you guys!!!!!
Rabbi “o” and staff-just keep loving and caring all the guys the way you are now and u will see amazing things that will happen this year!!!!
smicha guys- keep working and working as hard as u r now and hopefully u guys will be rabbis at the end of the year!!!
the main thing is don’t forget us!!!!!!
fellow motowner
go motown
Go Morristown!
Have a really good year out there
CU all on facebook
Prouder Parents
Good to see your smiling face!
Keep up the good work.
Love, T,M,B,S,B,MC,L,K,R,andS
Another Ma’amer, WOW! keep on going strong!
P.S. did you get lenses?
love, your sis and co
BS (aka BS)
Mendy Cohen!!! We miss you, pleaae come back ( I need a babysitter :-)) Seriously, head shliach??! Impressive!
Abe O.
its great to see that all you guys r doin so good!!!!u guys rock no matter what people tell you!!!!
mendy,gr8 to see that ur filling in the position in a good way….
shluchim,good luck to you and i hope u guys do ur best there
and finally ta,u should go from chayil to choyil and have nachas from all your students!!!!!
worcester crew
go zacci witkes!
the best learning teacher
mendy cohen great to see you!
great job everyone. keep it up.hope to see more soon.
liberow kids
yay uncle mendy we miss u love from menachem gitty chayala sadya and miri
mrs. mommy rabinowitz
Chaim Avrohom!!!Yashar Koach!!!!
We’re so proud of you!!! Keep up the chayus in your learning! We are so so proud!!
Hatzlocha Rabba to the new shluchim, Shmuely, Yisroel, Zacci and Dovid- Chaim Avrohom said you’re all really nice guys!! Welcome back Mendy! You should all bring out the best in each other and climb higher and higher up the ladder of Chassidus, helping each other all along the way. Rabbi ‘O’, thanks for everything, always…………
C.A., can’t wait to see you in L.A!!!!!!!!!(so happy that i don’t have to find you a gown too!)
p.s. to whoever is ‘curious’ (first commenter) YNS stands for Yeshiva Nishmat Shlomo
Karen Person
I am proud of my nephew Elchonan Marks. He is truly becoming a “BEN TORAH.” May he continue to shteig in his learning!!
rochel and dina
Wow – Look at the ninja Rabbi- We are so proud!!!! Catch you at the dojo!
ur adrimer!!!
go shmulyyyyyyy
love you
from down under!!!!!!!!
may you rocket high this year!!!
from the crew & me!!!
FAr Rockaway
Regards from everyone in Far Rockaway. Hope you are learning a lot and making everyone proud. Keep up the good work and enjoy.
yisroel we miss u and we are so proud of you!!
keep the phone calls commin!!
luv ma ta and the whole gang!!!
Mommy Roetter
Avraham Meir,
Wow!!Keep it up. I miss you
Thank you Rabbi O, Mrs O and all the staff. Together you make this work for the boys!
Mommy Roetter
Avraham Meir,
Iam so proud of you. Keep up the good work. May you all continue to grow stronger and stronger. Thank you Rabbi and Mrs O for everything that you do. Yasher Koach to all of the staff. Together you make YNS a great place.
Mark Jaffe
Mendy Jaffe – take a haircut!
Your Father
Hope school is goign well eli. Are you driving the shluchim crazy yet as you said you would? Keep up the good work. Hazlachah in school i know you can do it. keep making us proud i know i am.
Hope with all this learning you’ll give a nice dvar torah at Eli ‘s wedding.
To the wonderful gang who was by us for the yomm tovivm you guys are the best hazlachah in all you do.
Eli marks were proud of you. Miss u giving out the cholent in shul in wo
meir, red, (whoever u go by)
As you already know – you give me plenty of reason to brag and i do often. thank you. seems like youve started out this year wonderfully – and on your nieces birthday too! shes soo proud of you also, big zechus. As she says; “ hes going to b a rabbi ‘o’ when he comes home and ill call him uncle rabbi red”
soo all these new shluchim hmm? will u b filling that position next year ;) still waiting to meet the great rabbi and his wife. thank you for taking care of my baby bro and to all his friends – take some credit too!
love n misses, hugs n kisses, shayna
a bouchur
congratulations YNS for getting new shluchim. im sure they will do great. god willing this year will be a year full of the students going from strength to strength. as i know they will with rabbi o in the lead.
also, something I found funny, are the two bochorim in the first picture wearing the same shirt?
miriam marks
Mazel Tov! Mazel Tov!! to one and all.
You all look amazing. Wishing you lots of Hatzlacha in the coming zeman.
Bruchim HaBaim to all the shluchim.
Keep up the wonderful jobs of learning.
Can’t wait for the Yud Tet Kislev Fabregen!
Way to Go
Yasar Koach to my son Elchonan and all my “sons”
See you soon.
Love, Mamma and Tatti
nison gordon
hey uncle dovid is that you?
i miss you soooooo much My mommy and aba send their best regaurds i cant wait till you come home!!!dont forget to call me! love, nison gordon
Dovid Nissan Roetter
I love you red!