Hundreds of documents the Rebbe took with him out of Europe…
CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — In part of production of the upcoming release The Early Years, Volume IV, JEM went to the Library of Agudas Chassidei Chabad to take pictures and footage of the precious documents and manuscripts the Rebbe took out of war-locked Europe.
In June of 1940, as the German army was moving into Paris, the Rebbe and Rebbetzin were trying to get out of the path of the Nazis. Millions of people were also desperately trying to get out the Nazis path, packing the train stations to go to the south of France. (see picture). While crammed in these train stations the Rebbe was hauling with him cases of manuscripts of Maamorim of the Rebbe Rashab, letters of the Previous Rebbe, his own Reshimos, books he received at his own wedding and letters he received from his revered father, Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Schneerson.
These manuscripts were used years later in printing some of the Maamorim of the Rebbe Rashab and letters of the Previous Rebbe because part the library of the Previous Rebbe was and is still stuck in Europe.
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