MORRISTOWN, NJ [CHI] — Yeshivas Tiferes Bachurim, a division of the Rabbinical College of America in Morristown, NJ, is pleased to announce a new and unique course for students to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to become religious educators and community leaders.

New Tiferes Leadership Program

MORRISTOWN, NJ [CHI] — Yeshivas Tiferes Bachurim, a division of the Rabbinical College of America in Morristown, NJ, is pleased to announce a new and unique course for students to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to become religious educators and community leaders.

The two-year intensive course, available to those who already have a minimum of 2 years Talmudic Studies, will cover a broad range of fundamental subjects in Jewish Law, Mishna, Talmud and Jewish Philosophy.

The program will include “hands-on” training in teaching, discussions on Jewish Law and Ethics with many of the leading rabbis and educators on the Jewish scene, and frequent rigorous tests on the required material.

Those graduating the course will receive Rabbinic Certification, qualifying them to lead a Jewish community or teach Torah to students – young and old – confidently backed by the skills they attained and information they studied in the course.

Rabbi Moshe Herson, Dean of the Rabbinical College, expressed his excitement at this new opportunity being made available: “We look forward to the expansion of our goal to shape the leaders of tomorrow.”

For more information please contact Rabbi Boruch Hecht at 973 267 9404 or 973 267 8005




  • Yaakov12

    Teferis (Morristown) represents the Shlaymus of Tomchei Tomimum!! Its great to see so many Baalay Thsuva will be able to get Smicha and then Shalichus

  • Ex-MoTown

    To Yaakov 12. I dont know where you get that from. The Rebbe said that about Ohr Tmimim in a yechidus not Tiferes which has changed in focus over the years

  • Mayanoter

    It looks like a reunion class from my Mayanot. The Best of Morristown!!

  • Ezra Solomon

    ALL the Rabbis in Tifferes, and The Rabiinical College CARE for the Bochurim

  • Mo

    Hey Motown Bochur. The combo of Rabbis Hecht and Wagner have infused the Tiferes prgram with much needed new life. gr8 observation Mayanoter.

  • Yosef

    To Ex-Motown
    Without question Teferis is also the shlaymus of Tomchei Tomemin. Not just my words but the Rebbes as well.

  • avrohom

    How sad that there are people who can find something to bring negativity to an amazing thing.

    This program is amazing, if it was in ohr temimim it would be amazing, if it was in seagate it would be amazing , if it was in hadar hatorah it would be amazing!!!!!!!!!

    As a shliach who owes too much to tiferes, I wish that it was there when I was learning. Yeyasher koach and chazak ve’ametz

  • motown bochur

    i stand by my initial comment, not since the days of avremi lipsker has there been a rabbi in tifferes that cares for the spiritual and physical needs of the bochurim. any chassidishe yid that comes out of tifferes is because of the hard work and overtime of yaakov wagner

  • Yehoshua Mordechai

    I’m currently a bochur at Tiferes and R’ Wagner is my mashpia. He’s clearly amazing, but you can’t take anything away from R’ Dick or R’ Braufman or any other of the amazing rabbis here who ALL care for the bachurim. Anyone who says otherwise is engaging in sheer narishkeit.