Graduation of Golden Beach Florida Smicha Program
MIAMI, FL [CHI] — The graduation took place last Thursday night at Pagoda Hall in Sunny Isles, Miami. Over 120 people attended. In attendance was Rabbi Dovid Schochet, Chief Dayan of Toronto, who represented the Rabbonim signing the smicha. They are Rabbi Schochet, Rabbi Gavriel Tzinner (author of Nitei Gavriel), Rabbi Yisroel Friedman (Rosh Yeshiva of Oholei Torah), and Rabbi Yochanan Gurary (of Cholon, Israel).
More pictures in the Extended Article!
Rabbi Avrohom Korf, Head Shliach of Florida, spoke, followed by keynote speaker Michael Flax. He spoke about the amazing work of Chabad around the world, as he sees in all travels.
The names of the graduation bochrim are: Sruly Clapman, Yehuda Marrus, Yisroel Dovid Lesches, Dovid Nacca, Chaim Kohn, Yosef Abramov, Zalman Shimon Wircberg, Shmuly Estreicher, Danny Gerber, Zalmy Wolf, Shimon Segal, and Aryeh Leib Ehrlich. Dovid Abba Goldstein.
The yeshiva is headed by Rabbi Berel Gurary, and shliach Rabbi Chay Amar.

Mazal Tov Dovid Abba!!
Mazal Tov Yousef Al Jihad Abrahamav
avi gordon
Mazal Tov rabbi Sruly Clapman
bob the builder
Mazal Tov to Yisroel Dovid
You are my role-model and my inspiration in life.
You are a true jew and a real chassid.
One day when you sell 10 million copies of your first cd i will be able to tell people that I used to know you.
I hope you won’t forget me when you make it big in life. Thank you so much for being there for me.
Golden beach family.
Dear aryeh leib,you did so much for our community this year. from staying for the yomim noraim. to learning with our children,(not to forget that you’re the best shofar blower).
we are so proud of you!keep up the good work and stay next year with us and do “Dayunus”.
keep up the great work Aryeh leib Erlich.
you rock.
all you’re friends in Manhattan and Scottsdale.
mushky,chani zahava
Chaim you are so amazing, you make us all so proud.
you-re fan club
Dovid we knew you can do it.
all those Shiurim in Aventura will always be remembered.
mosh g
Zash, don’t forget you’re friends in the village chabad when you get back!
Mazal Tov to all of the Bochurim
You all did a great job here in golden beach this year and you really changed our lives.
you boys are irreplaceable and you will remain in our hearts forever.
We all love you,
your favorite pharmacist
Eli The Cd Guy
congratulation on your graduation
you guys are the best Florida has ever seen.
I have never felt so much emotion when hearing the Shofar until hearing the way you guys blew it. I was almost in tears every time.
Thank you for all the learning you have done with me and teaching me how to be a proud jew.
p.s. I am having a sale on the Shiyur Hashirim CD
a caring mamma
Dear Rabbi Gurary my son had a amazing year. he said you did everything for them. from waking them up in the morning to making sure they came to davening.
and when he was not feeling well in june and you brought him tea twice a day. I made up my mind that all my sons are going to Golden beach. I hope you’re still there them he is only 17 years old now.
Rabbi Gurary
I will never forget you for what you did with my car. You are a guiding light for this community. Thanks for sending the boys to help me out with the mikva Thanks for everything.
dovid abba you are the best
Shmuly Estriecher Mazal Tov
I can’t believe you will be leaving us. Your stimulating comments and never ending smile was something we will all miss. You are a real Talmid Chacham and a source of inspiration for all. I bless you that you should continue to so successful no matter what path you take in life.
Chacham Chaim Kohan,
Kol Hakovod al hasmicha.
kolanu ohavim ata
Chaim G
Mazal Tov Dagi!!
your cousin Chaim G
Rabbi Gurary,
You are amazing. May all Smicha Yeshivos learn from you what is means dedication to the bochurim and the Yeshivah.
soon you will have a big challange as the line will be long to get in to your program.
Keep it up!
A friend
To my dear friend Arie Leib:
I’m not impressed that you did it, you have potential for a lot more!!
And don’t be mispoel of guys that trying to stop you in your studies, they are jealous!!
Guess who am I?…
You did it!! I’m so proud of you!
p.s. thanks for join me this year
Yay Rabbi Zash!!!!!!!
you’re the best!
aguante los argentinos son los mejores!
mazal tov! mazaltov!
noice DA! wish i was there too! (like, after smicha :) )
go Zalmy!!! You are finally a rabbi…Do I really want to eat the gid hanashe??? just kidding around..I am too proud of you!