Chabad Shliach to Southwest Florida Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz Meets Michelle Obama, wife of presumptive Democratic Presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama In Fort Myers, FL This morning.
Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz Spoke with Michelle Obama about her husband's Democratic Presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama Trip to Israel, They also spoke about Speaking the Truth & Standing up for the Truth Michelle Obama told Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz that we need more Truth in the world.
Shliach Meets Wife of Presidential Hopeful
Chabad Shliach to Southwest Florida Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz Meets Michelle Obama, wife of presumptive Democratic Presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama In Fort Myers, FL This morning.
Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz Spoke with Michelle Obama about her husband’s Democratic Presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama Trip to Israel, They also spoke about Speaking the Truth & Standing up for the Truth Michelle Obama told Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz that we need more Truth in the world.
liar liar
That’s really funny, coming from a woman whose husband now denies he was really involved with his former Pastor!!
What liars!
If this Osama is so stupid and can’t make up his gosh darn mind – changes his political view about Israel and Jews every 3 minutes then why the hell are shluchim meeting with him and his wife?? This guy is an outright Sone Yisrael-why are we supporting him?
I like the photo sensor. Good job!
seems her husband can use a bit of truth, not just for election votes.
Terrific Photoshop job…
yossi, devora and chezky
so michelle is keeping tznius! nice!
BP yid
Hi, I find the photoshopping of bad taste, and chutzpadik: Do you chapp that you are playing with the pic of the might-be first lady? I dont think she’d appreciate it, not only that but cant u spare five more min and make it neat whoever did this?
lol..i didn’t even notice the photoshopping until i read the comments. the one thing i have noticed is, do you see the awkward smiles politicians wear when photographed with shluchim? i see it all the time! george bush is famous for them!
NO Obama 4 us pres!
y would any shliach want to meet with the obamas????
Daniel Botnick
The shaliach should have his head examined! How irresponsible! Pictures like this are used to garner ethnic votes. I certainly hope the greater chevra sees through this stupidity as quickly as the crowd does.
Wow what idiocy!
I think a jew in their right mind would not vote Obama however…. …………She might be the next firt lady, should shluchim NOT MEET WITH HER????????
It’s comments like that that make people view Crown Heightsers as morons!
It’s a Frum website the Photoshopping is ABSOLUTELY APROPRIATE.
McCain 2OO8!
McCain 2OO8!
McCain 2OO8!
She’s a racist. Why would he want to meet her and then circulate the pic?!
If he (Minkoowicz) was not ashamed to take a picture with her looking like she did, with a very NON-TZNIUS dik dress etc. Why does it help to cover it up afterwards?
Does that make it kosher?
If you take a pig and put some green color over it, it magically becomes OK?!
On Shlichus
Not impressed. I would be shamed to publicize this picture. Have we come to the point where we will do just about anything to be seen with a public/famous/influential person. Its absolutely pathetic. We are lacking alot when we have come to this level. My humble opinion.