Fourth Annual Friendship Circle Conference

PISCATAWAY, NJ [CHI] — Close to 100 shluchim, shluchos, supporters and special-needs activists take international Friendship Circle phenomenon to new heights
The fourth annual Friendship Circle Conference was held this past July 7-8 at the Radisson Hotel in Piscataway, New Jersey, with dozens of individuals connected to the fast-growing international organization converging from across the nation and around the world for two days of information and inspiration.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Numerous workshops highlighting new and current Friendship Circle trends and programs were taken in by the attendees, all of whom came away vastly enriched and better equipped to maintain and improve their local programs.

“The workshops were really informative. There were so many great ideas that were shared that will really help us improve our existing programs,” said Mrs. Sora Margolis of Stamford, Connecticut’s Friendship Circle. “I found it extremely helpful to learn more about the International Leadership Club’s newsletters and incredible website that all volunteers can have access to and will really help the volunteers with ideas for their friends at home visits and to realize that we’re really an international club.”

The conference concluded with a session by special guest Peter Bell, VP of Autism Speaks and career special-needs non-profit executive. Bell addressed attendees with a brief history of autism, followed by his personal saga of raising his autistic son Tyler and his experiences with the Friendship Circle. He later met with the Friendship Circle’s leadership.

The annual Friendship Circle Conference is a project of Friendship Circle International which is a division of the Shluchim Office

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