Cheder Menachem’s Annual “Chayolei Tzivos Hashem Grand Expo”
LOS ANGELES, CA [CHI] — Tuesday, the 29th of Iyar, saw the entire Anash of Los Angeles, CA gather at Cheder Menachem, the Chabad Elementary boys school for the annual Chayolei Tzivos Hashem Grand Expo.
When establishing Tzivos Hashem in 5741 (1980), the Rebbe mapped out an action plan how one is to conquer the Yetzer Horah; by learning from our Avos (our forefathers; Avraham Yitzchok, Ya’akov & Dovid HaMelech). It was therefore decided that the theme of this year’s Expo would focus on some of the many traits that they exemplified.
Groups of talmidim from Kitos Hey thru Ches – called units – were each assigned a theme; Kita Hey would focus on themes relating to Avraham Avinu, Kita Vov on Yitzchok Avinu, Zayin of Yaakv Avinu and Ches on Dovid HaMelech.
Each one of the 16 units took time to do research on the meaning of their theme as well its relation and application in our days. They then began brainstorming ways to bring their theme to life, with the information they collected, in a fun, creative and interactive manner.
The result was the most successful and educational Expo the Cheder has hosted to date.
With close to 400 people in attendance, each person was encouraged to view and vote for each exhibit, both for theme and creativity.
Indeed, each exhibit brought to life all the beautiful traits that each one of our Avos taught and instilled within us; middos such as Gemillus chassadim, Hachnosas Orchim, Avodah, Chafiras HaBe’eiros, Torah, Emes, Malchus Beis Dovid, Dovid Ne’im Zemiros Yisroel, and so many more.
Each exhibit had the members of the unit enthusiastically explaining the exhibit to the viewers, making sure they understood the theme.
“I was so impressed with the exhibits, I just had to give them a full 10. But the children didn’t let me!” explains Mr. Yosef Kamish. “They insisted that I listen to what their theme was all about!”
The exhibits were left overnight so that all of the Cheder’s talmidim would be able to view the exhibits the next day.
3rd place was awarded to Unit Mesiras Nefesh (5th Grade), where each child was awarded a set of Seforim entitled, “A Day to Recall, A Day to Remember”. 2nd place was awarded to Unit Tefillah (6th Grade). Each child was presented with a framed picture of the Rebbe. 1st place was awarded to V’Yaakov Holach L’Darkoi (8th), who were awarded an all-expense paid Shabbaton to Chabad of Laguna Beach. There, they would put all of their talent & chayus to use, helping out the Shliach, Rabbi Elimechel Goorevitch in his Shlichus.
Sure enough, on Shabbos Parshas Beha’aloscha, Unit V’Ya’akov Holach L’Darkoi, make a beautiful Kiddush Hashem, enhancing both the davenings, Kiddushim and the entire atmosphere with their beautiful voices, singing Niggunim, sharing Divrei Torah, ending it all with a wonderful farbrengen with Rabbi Goorevitch that lasted over an hour and a half.
All in all, it was a most beautiful event that injected an already infused Chassidishe Cheder with much chayus. It is the Cheder’s hope that this event gave the Rebbe, as well as everyone who benefited from the event much deserved nachas, further hastening the coming and redemption of Moshiach Tzidkeinu speedily in our days!

appreciative father
Thanks to Leibel Cohen for the great work that you do!
Miriam Fruma
Go tzemi yemini!!! you look great in the picture. You did a job well done
anon E. mouse
wow leibish Friedman and the rest of unit tefilla you won 2nd place.
wow look at the harp!!!!
your last year counselor!!!
hey guys i am so proud of you!!!
go fifth grade go!!!
keep it up!
ya unit tefilla won second place ya baby !!!