Siyum Sefer Torah in honor of R Levitansky

S MONICA [CHI] — An estimated 1,200 people gathered on Sunday, “Fathers Day” to pay tribute to Rabbi Avrohom Halevi Levitansky, a spiritual father, grand father and great grandfather (Zeide un Elter Zeide) to tens of thousands of people across the globe, as a new Torah was completed in his memory.

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The ceremony began at the home of Mrs. Levitansky where all of the Levitansky children had a letter in the Torah filled in for them. The last letter was then filled in by Rabbi Isaac Levitansky, the oldest son and the Shliach of Simcha Monica. The Torah which was written was a small Torah identical in size to the Rebbe’s Torah. This was a wish of Rabbi Levitansky OBM for many years, that there should be a Torah in the Chabad House which can be held by young and old alike.

After the Torah was completed there was a procession up Broadway Street to the Chabad House, on the way many people stopped to look in awe at the great celebration, and many, upon seeing it was a Hachnosas Sefer (welcoming of a new) Torah joined in.

At the Chabad House the street was closed to accommodate the large crowd, many people put on Tefillin (phylacteries), the Atoh Horaisa (verses of the Torah) was said and Hakofois (dancing with the Torah) began.

In true Rabbi Levitansky style there were special activities for children, beginning with the recital of the 12 Pesukim (fundamental verses of the Torah for Jewish children), arts and crafts, a moon bounce, cotton candy, popcorn, and most important the chance to hold and dance with the new Torah.

After the last Hakofoh Rabbi Isaac Levitansky made a Siyum Horambam (completion of the yearly studying of Maimonodies), and the Torah was brought into the Chabad House amid great dancing to be placed in it’s new home, an Aron Hakoidesh (ark) specially designed for it.