No, it’s not “The Fiddler on the roof” It’s “The Rabbis on the roof”

SYDNEY, Australia [CHI] — Thursday, Rabbi Shmuel Feldman the Menahel Gashmi of the Yeshiva Center, went up the steep roof of the Yeshiva Building in Sydney together with Rabbi Moishe Gutnick, President and Rabbinic Judge of the Sydney Beth Din and Head of the KA (“Kosher Australia”) and Rabbi Daniel Kaye, Mashgiach of the Yeshiva Gedola Sydney. The Rabbi’s inspected the Roof and the mikva.

Rabbi Gutnick with consultation with Rabbi Feigelstock of Argentina, gave precise instructions for work necessary so as to refill the Rain Water for the “Bor Geshomim” as well as detailed instructions regarding the Cement rendering and the pipes for the bringing of the rain water from the roof to the rain water pool. The completed Mikva’s main use will be for men as well as a Mikva Keilim outside.


  • one of anash

    corection his older brother sholom is the Menahel Gashmi of the Yeshiva Center

  • Yeshiva Fan

    so will we have a mikva for Shavuos ?
    at least a cold mikva will be good

  • sydneyman

    funny to see mt richard’s buses out side the pic so old but i good pic of the shule’s roof

  • Hmm...

    What exactly made the esteemed journalist/author of the article think that an event of several rabbis climbing on a roof give directions of how to fix a mikva is newsworthy?

    I am sure somebody will write in the comments that it was Kiddush Hashem (rabbi on the roof? what a way to make dira betachtonim even in such “hard to reach places”); some will write that it was Hillul Hashem (rabbi on a roof? gevalt!); some will write “Mendy, Shifra, Yosef, Mendel and Chayim write: ‘Go Mendy!’”

  • talmid from 04

    rabbi kaye now we know why you are not answering questions its because you are busy with the mikvah. ah yasher koach!!!

  • sydnerdian

    go uncle mosh
    btw that is the oldest pic of the yeshiva on flood srteet (lots as happened since)

  • Ex-Student

    I remember climbing up on that roof when I was a student back in the day!

  • Non Crown-Heightser

    I remember when Danny Kaye was in the Five Towns. So many years ago. Continuous Hatzlochoh Rabboh.

  • Kop Doktar

    Dog bites man is not news worthy. Man bites dog, is! A roofer on the roof is not news worthy. A Rov on the roof, is! Is that too “Down Under” to understand?!

  • Kop Doktar

    Inspirational! We all must strive to reach higher. Climbing up on the roof is symbolic of this. The rain water comes from up high on the roof, and goes down to the depth of the building’s mikva where is transforms keilim and people to kedusha and tahara. Just like the neshama!

  • Simple Jew

    Kop – To us simple people, a cute pixture is just cute. Why do you keep ruining our pleasure by finding “deep messages” in everything??