Shluchim visit the Satmar Rebbe

MONROE, NY [CHI] — The Rebbe’s Shliach of Princeton,NJ, Rabbi Dovid Dubov, (and his two sons Sholom Ber- age 11 and Motty-age 9) with Rabbi Chaim Schapiro of Morristown, NJ had a visit with the Satmer Rebbe, Rabbi Aron Teitlebaum of Monroe, NY.

The purpose of the visit was to give him the entire set of Yalkut Moshiach Ugeula Al Hatorah- 25 volumes. The visit was very successful, he spoke to the Shluchim for aprox. 40 minutes. Some of the points that was discussed is as follows:

More pictures in the Extended Article!

1) Rabbi Dubov shared with the Satmer Rebbe the scope of the project how the Rebbe wanted everyone should learn about Moshiach Ugeula and the idea of collecting Mefarshim form hundreds of different commentary on the Torah in the subject of Moshiach Ugeula.

The Satmer Rebbe was very touched that we have quoted comentary from his ancestors in the Satmer dynasty such as; YISMACH MOSHE, ATZEI CHAIM, KEDUSHAS YOM TOV, AND YEETAV LEV ETC.

In general he was looking at the sefarim for over 10 min. and expressed great admiration for the scope of the project and wished great Hatzlacha for the completion until the end of the Torah.

2) The Satmer Rebbe spoke very highly of the Shliach, Rabbi Yonosan Denebeim director of Chabad of Palm Springs, California where the Satmer Rebbe goes on vacation and Davens at the Chabad Shul and uses the Mikvah.

3) The Satmer Rebbe related a story where many years ago there were certain organizations who wanted to stop Lubavitch Yeshivos form getting support from certain programs and he personally called and spoke to the ones in charge that they should not stop, C“V to support Lubavitch and B’H they have not.

a few years later- the Satmer Rebbe continued – the same people wanted to stop Satmer Yeshivos from getting support (due to Internal Machlokes etc) and at that time LUBAVITCH intervened and helped Satmer. He spoke with great Kovod how Satmer helped Lubavitch and lubavitch helped Satmer.

4) the Satmer Rebbe spoke to Rabbi Dubov in great length about his shlichus work in Princeton and the approach of lubavitch. he asked how many families come to shul on shabbos, and Rabbi Dubov answered aprox. 40 families. He asked if they are all shomer shabbos and Rabbi Dubov answered ”many are and many are on the way of becoming shomer shabbos.” He smiled and liked the answer.

5) He spoke to Rabbi Schapiro regardingt Morristown and Rabbi Zalman Leib Markowitz the principal of the boys Cheder. He then spoke to the Shluchim kids about their learning and their shlichus.

There were Divrei Torah and Chassidishe stories about the Rebbe that Rabbi Dubov and Rabbi Schapiro shared with the Satmer Rebbe.

On the way out his Gabboim great thanks for coming and said that their Rebbe enjoyed the visit very much.


  • an understanding heart

    what a mentshlich and appropriate visit to make.
    clearly behind every good shliach stands a wise shluchah.
    yasher koach to those who made the visit.
    taking the children was also so wise and right. (the shluchah again?)
    continued hatzlacha in your avoidas hakoidesh

  • Kidush Hashem

    Yemos Hamoshiach!

    I hope this will be the begining of many other demonstrations of achdus and ahavas yisroel. Perhaps it is high time that similar actions are taken within our communitee.

  • Anonymous

    Reb Aaron Teitelbaum is a great leader and a tremendous Baal Chesed. He is very respectful of other people’s points of view. At the time of the Mercaz Harav shooting, Lo Aleinu, the Satmar Rebbe was one of the only Chasidishe Rebbe’s that publicly supported the students in Mercaz Harav.

    May he be blessed with Hatzlocha in continuing his good work.


    A Nice visit for the Shluchim but not for the kids who rachmana letzlan are mixed up and think that this gute yid is a Rebbe Chas Veshalom and why did they have to put on a kapote to go let them go the way they dress normally Chaim i expected more of you …..

  • Last year motown smicha bochur

    Dont you dare write bad comments about Hrh“g Reb chaim schapiro shlit”a, I learned by him just a year ago and I can say hes a great talmid chochom and he doesnt do things for no reason! so before you become shpitz chabad and say fehh and the like, maybe take the time to find out why they went!, it is also known that the Rebbe wanted Lubavitcher Rabbonim to maintain a kesher with Poilishe rebbes and litvishe rabbonim, so before you criticize know the facts!

  • Ahavas Yisroel

    While this is a wonderful story, the writing and editing is poor- it makes us sound so uneducated!

  • Achdus is the ONLY way!!

    This IS the geulah unfolding before our very eyes!!!

  • YitzchakS

    Why the attacks? Reb Aharon shlit”a is a true ohev yisroel and while he is not our Rebbe, he most certainly is a respected Rebbe of thousands of Chassidim (and a descendant of the Alter Rebbe).

  • V-Gur Ze-ev Im Keves

    vgur ze’ev im keves,
    If only all the chassidim can now unite, then it will be time for moshiach to finally come and reveal himself to us, and take us out of this horrible golus. To feh feh, I would like to say this, I am sure that R Dubov did not tell his kids that the Satmer Rebbe is his children’s rebbe, I am sure he told them that this is a person to be respected, and you know what, close mindedness is what leads to sinas chinam. OUR Rebbe never wanted anything to do with sinas chinam, go rethink your views, u dont want to be sharing them with ur kids Chas Vshalom.

  • boucher from O.T. 73----76

    TO FEH FEH : yr out of touch of shalom.yr a a 770 ladah gaer, yr have no clue the way the REBBA looked at the velt , you dont even have a clue how to bring moshiac, and in genral how to go on shecus and to mekarv people

  • R-E-S-P-E-C-T

    The satmar rebbe reb aron is a kind and regal man , he is not like his brother in willi town ,he is very close the doctor in monroe wich is actually a lubavithcer dr vilenko !!! Pesach burston the shliach right near monroe has a wounderful relashionship with the satmars , they come to his sukkah and fabreng with him !one of their best hatzolah members is a lubavitcher who davens in monroe on certain shabbosim ! And only has been welcomed with respect and dignity ! … you all have to wake up satmar that was is no more .. the new generation satmar are taught better and are more open minded ofcorse their are some exceptions ..but my husband and i are very close to a satmar couple and are very well treated in monroe with the outmost respect !!!! This visit is a beautiful thing in my eyes .. with all the hate and loshon harah that we have in Crown heights someone has to go and make the kidush hashmem and a kidush lubavitch …And yes bringing his kids was a great idea why not? you have to teach your kids to respect others and to have kovod for a rebbe , even if his not yours!!!

  • shame on you, feh feh feh.

    Feh Feh feh, you are an embarrasment to Lubavitch, shame on you for speaking the way you do. To all those who are not Lubavitch who will read his comment, please know he is not your typical Lubavitcher. This is not how we really feel. I apologize for the way he speaks about another Rebbe. His comment is R”L feh feh feh. Such a comment should never have been posted.

  • yutyer erterysery

    To feh feh
    What is the diffrence if you teach kids to go on mivtziyim to give out matza and put on teffilin or to do in mivtza moshiach???

  • JTRE

    Look how neatly arranged the Seforim are on the table. Nice props…

  • A kid....who thinks u all are pathedic!!

    I personally think that you all have no idea what you are talkin about. Your looking for a stupid reason to argue….great way to bring moshiach. All of you. And those kids are most certainly not as thick as you if you think they are confused about goin, your so wrong.

  • Shmaya

    Who write Reb AHRON IS REAL OIHEV YISROEL? and another wote “Reb Aaron Teitelbaum is a great leader and a tremendous Baal Chesed. He is very respectful of other people’s points of view. At the time of the Mercaz Harav shooting, Lo Aleinu, the Satmar Rebbe was one of the only Chasidishe Rebbe’s that publicly supported the students in Mercaz Harav.”

    Oh Please. He is only there! and why? Its all politics! Reb Yoel was a REAL Oheiv Yisroel. Ask the other half os Stamar! Ask THEM What Reb Ahron did to them! Charity begins at home! He is only there where he should 1st be somewhere else. Ask 60% of Satmar what a Ohev Yisroel he is! Give me a break! Ohev Yisroel comes when it will also NOT bring power or connections. It begins in his own hometown!

  • Yehuda Leib

    Lubavitcher bruders,

    Please dont be foolish. Our Rebbi was Tzadik Hador. Reb Ahron owns big part of Kriyas Joel and we give respect to everyone! Nice of him he took (a dear Shliach of) us in. He is looking for friends because his own brothers got hurt, terrorized and tortured by him. He does good when it plays good. I personaly had some experience with some satmars for believing (knowing) that our Rebi is moshiach. They mocked me and showed a face to Satmar. I lets found out it was this Reb Ahron’s chassidim.

    He now needs friends, because in his ownn circle he is hated. Why didnt he do kiruv for so many? Reb Yoel had no soneim in his own place. He loved everyone. Reb Ahron gets credit for his young baby brother Reb Zalmen to get to his heights in Williamsburg. Those are more mentchlich.
    -A Proud Lubavitcher

  • Sholom Ber

    Attn Feh Feh Feh:

    As a Lubavitcher (Gezhe/Shliach), you have a peanut of a brain. The Rebbe had more respect for a shvartzeh, then you have of a manhig of thousands of yidden. As they say in Vegas, stop while your behind!

    JTRE: your IQ aint too hot either.

  • avremele


    They ain’t props! The Satmar Rebbe SHLIT”A learns all day. You can only get to him at night. He is primarily a rosh yeshiva

  • undercover satmar

    I’m utterly shocked and dismayed at what i’m reading here. There is no reason for anyone to say anything against the other satmar rebbe. I’m sure that if a shliach would go to him the time of day would be given, as was done by his brother. Yehudah Leib: You have to be more understanding to the ppl that beat you up. They only think you are a kofer if you say the statement of yechi etc.
    Each person has their own manhig. Don’t go Knocking it. Satmars do much good just as chabad does much good. Each community has psoblems as well; satmar should not be singled out.
    It should be let known, that one of the things that many ppl don’t like about chabad, is there lack of knowledge, acknowledgement, and respect to other gedolim. Just keep that in mind

  • satmar from birth

    The satmar rebbe rav aharon is gaon olam and tsadik yesod olam and crowned with moradige midos wheras his brother zalman leib is shvach in lernrn shvach in yiras shumayim and even shvacher in midos.