CGI Toronto Prints Tanya on Site
In the first week of the second season of Camp Gan Israel in Toronto, a Tanya was printed on site.
Heeding the Rebbe’s call to print a Tanya in every city around the globe, and in conjunction with 200 years since the Alter Rebbe’s Hilula, the Tanya was printed by the staff in the presence of the campers.
Now the village of Haliburton is included among the thousands of locations where the holiness of Toras Hachasidus has taken root.
The festivities began on Shabbos Chof Av, with the presence of the head Shliach, Rabbi Zalman Aron Grossbaum. Also present were Rabbi Mordechai Berger of Ottawa and Rabbi Moshe Goldman, Shliach in Waterloo Ontario. Throughout Shabbos there was Davening, learning, beautiful Shabbos meals with stories and niggunim, Farbrengens and Mishnayos Baal Peh. This all took on an added significance as the camp commemorated the 69th Yartzeit of the Rebbe’s father, Reb Levik.
Sunday morning Rabbi Grossbaum explained to all the campers the great Zechus of printing the Tanya on camp grounds, and learned with them a section of Perek Lamed Bais from the latest edition. The campers learned why this Perek is so important to the overall concept of Chassidus, and about Ahavas Yisroel from a grass root perspective as expounded in Tanya.
Afterwards, a rally took place in which the children recited the Pesukim, and heard from Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Goldstein about the special Zechus that each camper and staff member has to be part of such a special and historic event. A Niggun of the Alter Rebbe was sung, followed by the moment everyone was waiting for; the actual printing of the Tanya in Haliburton, Ontario.
The excitement in the air was palpable. Adding a dimension of surprise to the already meaningful occasion, the campers found out that they will have the opportunity to receive a copy of this limited edition Tanya.
A Tanya Baal Peh campaign was introduced, which encouraged the campers to learn Perek Lamed Bais by heart during their stay at camp. Even the younger campers have been given an adjusted quota to allow for them to participate on their level.
After the newly printed Tanya will be bound, the campers which engaged in studying Tanya by heart will receive a copy of the limited edition Haliburton Tanya, to take home, as an memento of this historic event and to encourage them to continue learning Tanya bal peh. This initiative was very well received by all the campers. Wasting no time, many campers have already begun memorizing in their quest to finish the Perek, and do even more!
In light of the above, it was a breath of fresh air to witness the campers using the opportunity on the first exciting camp trip to learn Tanya on the bus rides, both there and back. While on the trip, the campers enjoyed air bouncing, batting cages, go karts, laser tag, and rock climbing, followed by a night swim and water slide activity.
Kicking off its second summer, the first week included an action packed schedule of Davening, Learning, sports, and special activities. In tandem with the 20 percent enrollment growth in campers from the first year there is an added measure of excitement in the air, which reached new heights this Sunday.
During the first assembly when the boys were split up into bunks and enjoying the first day of camp, each and every camper received a beautiful album for them to fill up with pictures of the Rebbe. Titled ‘MiYado Hakdosha’, this album focuses on the numerous Chalukos where the Rebbe distributed matza, kos shel bracha, dollars and mamarim, with a short synopsis explaining what happened by each one. Truly fascinated by the sheer beauty and meaningfulness of the album, the campers got straight to work earning the corresponding pictures to each event.
As the summer has gotten into full swing, the campers and staff wait with baited breath for the coming activities and excitement that CGI Toronto has in store.
Thank God
That there is 2.5 weeks left in this Camp. Still plenty of time to get in more fun and memories to last a lifetime. Yasher Koach to Rabbi Zalman Grossbaum and to his son Itchele.