Yaldei Hashluchim Receive Summer Gift

During rest hour this past Monday, Yisrolik couldn’t believe his eyes. Sitting in camp, miles away from home, a package arrived with his name on it! Packed inside was nosh and all sorts of goodies, and a caring message from MyShliach.

Hundreds of such care packages were sent to children of shluchim spending their summers in various sleep away camps. While in the past similar packages were sent throughout America, this year MyShliach expanded the reach of the program to Europe as well.

Rabbi Mendy Shanowitz, director of MyShliach, says receiving these packages has an invigorating affect on the children. “They get a strong sense of pride knowing they are part of a family who cares for them and appreciates what they do.”

MyShliach, a division of Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch Suite 302, is a program founded to assist Shluchim with their children’s chinuch. The summer care packages are just one more item on a long list of available services.

Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, executive director of Suite 302, says, “The theme running throughout all our programs is ‘how best can we help Shluchim?’ This program will boost the kids’ morale, and send them home with a renewed enthusiasm toward their Shlichus.”


  • for ALL the kids

    Huh, This does so much to promote avas yisroel etc… especialy when half the camp gets the package and the other half does not

  • yosy

    WOW!! This is just what is needed – and especially at this critical time of the year, when we are striving to promote achdus and ahavas yisroel, and compassion for a fellow yid – making EVERYONE feel loved and needed….So what do you do? You make sure to drive home the message that ONLY a select few really count, ONLY they are the chosen ones, and everyone else can go to the dogs!
    I have news for you – by Hashem EVERYONE is important! Everyone counts! Just like you singled yourselves out for this – der aibishter bleib’t nit kein baal choiv! He will surely give EVERY “club member” exactly what’s coming to him!

  • happy with my lot

    when I watched from the sidelines how campers in the catskills with parents in the catskills are able to go drop things off for their kids, how on fri. afternoon a pc of hot potato kugel is delivered to the “poor camper” or his laundry picked up by mommy & returned all folded with all the other neccesities for “roughing it” & then no one says boo! But if the shluchims kids – who many of them have no visitors on visiting day cuz they live too far, many of them come without the huge containers of nosh cuz they can’t get that where they are, most of them come without friends cuz they are the only frum kid within 3 hours…. but oh – they get a present from My Shliach – THAT’S NOT FAIR!!! It’s amazing how on this site whenever shluchim get a benefit the crown heightsers come out & cry “why not me?” hmmm do you struggle everyday with having to send your kids away & wondering if they are getting love from anyone nearby? Do you have to fundraise to feed your kids? Do you have to keep your kids busy a whole Shabbos of boredom with not a Jewish soul in site? You chose your lifestyle, the shluchim chose theirs & there are organizations & great people helping both you & the shluchim. Aizehu Ashir Hasameach Bichelko – go be happy & let these kids enjoy their presents!

  • get a life

    number one that is the most idiotic comment i have ever seen. actually ive seen worse. number four put it best with his/her polite get a life statement.