Hit and Run on Carroll Street

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — At approximately 11:30 Thursday morning a Jaguar with two Black male occupants slammed into a parked car on Carroll Street at the corner of Schenectady Avenue. The car appeared to have been traveling down Schenectady and attempted to make a left turn, and then hit the parked car.

More pictures in the Extended Article.

Immediately after the accident both occupants of the vehicle got out of the car and fled the scene. Police arrived on scene and ran the plates of the Jaguar which turned out to be a stolen vehicle. Officers took witness statements and accounts of the incident and filled out a report.


  • mine-s a 2000 honda

    You see Blacks in a Jag, Porsche etc & you know their either car thieves or drug dealers. If we had cops here maybe they’d stop these fancy cars & question the drivers. Didn’t one cop get shot & killed recently by a driver of a stolen car?

    Racist? Yeah. So what??

  • and so the saga continues

    2 black male’s driving… ?? no way! i’m SHOCKED! that is SO rare around here! crown heights NEVER has such terrible shocking stories like this!

    i always thought it was such a nice and pleasent SAFE neighborhood where you could let the kids out without worry.
    -can you say SARCASM

  • a jewish girl

    yes i can and can you say that these things are happening on my block????????? well i can! can you say that its in gods hands and that making fun of its wont do you any good??????/ well i can!! c.h. was never a neighborhood where you can send you kids out without worries and its never will be!! if i can believe it then you can too!!! and its better for you to be realistic then sarcastic!! where is your belief??????????????????? you dont sound to jewis hto me!!!

  • TO: A jewish girl

    response to “a jewish girl” from “and so the saga continues” :

    I’m not “making fun”, i’m just stating the (unfortunate) obvious from a sarcastic angle. i agree with you that it’s no laughing matter, amd that things are no good around here. i am realistic about what goes on in crown heights. i don’t want to bring up my children here, it’s unsafe and unpleasent to live here. i don’t know what the attraction is to crown heights anyway, is it 770? what’s left of it? all the wild bochurim took it over and it’s a disgrace. just look at all the filth and garbage that 770 produces each week, it’s nauseating! it’s no shul, it’s a disgrace. “the rebbe’s schunah”?? ha, i don’t think so! not anymore anyway! with all the political BS that goes on here, it’s so sad!!!!

    So, as you can see, i agree with you that crown heights is no laughing matter.

    and i’m not sure what you mean by asking “where is you’re belief?” ?? belief in what?

    in addition, from what did you deduce that i am not jewish? how is it that i don’t “sound” jewish to you? personally, i don’t think it matters whether i’m jewish or not, i think the points that i state have no relation to what religion i may be a part of. however, i AM jewish, and i AM lubavitch….. want proof?

  • Menny

    Some of these 16 – 18 and older kids think their cool by making these crazy curbs and turns and some drive talking on their cellphones, and then they expect nothing to happen. Chas Vesholom

    What fools.