Accident on Montgomery
Brooklyn, NY — At about 11pm Monday night a Israeli Bochur reversing into a driveway was hit by an oncoming car. The Israeli Bochur was driving a red mini van reversing into the driveway on Montgomery between Kingston and Albany aves, when the silver compact driven by a Black male hit him and went under his rear bumper, causing some significant damage to the compact.
More pictures in the Extended Article.
Police were called and arrived after a 45 minute wait, they filed a report. BH no one was hurt.

Yosef Yitzhak K.
Yitz and sidovid: Looking good!!
a yasher koach to the shomrim members who responded and helped keep the scene calm and traffic diverted during the long wait
Wow….so what was the exact response time?
was there
Shomrim was there immediatly, Fire department came 30 minutes after the call and the first police officer came 43 minutes after the call.
i herd the incidint.i was in bed and i herd a slide and then a bang.
high crime
45 minutes for the cops to come? Crime must be very high in this precinct if the cops are so busy that they cannot come to an accident that is blocking streets
very bad very good nice.
Ticked Off!
It’s interesting that the Police are always there the minute after alternate parking to give tickets, but when they are actually needed, the don’t show up. Especially since their base is 2 blocks away!
Fire department came 30 minutes after the call? Police came 43 minutes after the call?
And if chas vesholom if there would be serious injurys they would still come that late?
This is unbelievable, crazy, and nuts…
I think the police should be more responsible and more handy with crime and these type of stuff.
this reminds me of the nigun “ven di rebbe tanct tancen ale chassidim ect.”after thr rebbe’s car crashes every jewish driver has to crash?driver of CH please don’t crash and then wait for a nes, or time the police lechatchila ariber(don’t crash)
I like the way the article says the black driver who was driving correctly “hit” the reversing car. The Bochur who was reversing actually hit the black guys car.
Reversing is always dangerous. But people will always do it anyway.
ignore that comment
I take it back, I thought he was reversing in a different type of alley, okay thats why these are called “accidents” glad everyones okay.
At least I hope that the police were by a crime so it took them so long to come, because we would rather them being by a crime than by a crash.
Mendel Fitzhume
Someone needs to find out why it took so long for our Firemen to arrive…if you look at NYC’s annual records, their response time is excellent. If it really took them 30 minutes to arrive, it can only mean that 911 did not pass the call to FDNY promptly. This should not be accepted.
some one that was there
the fire department was not called at first it came over as propriety damage only after the 4th call the came b/c one caller smelled the antifreeze thats why they came
The cops need to come faster
howcome if the car was leeking oil were there guys there smoking and dropping their cigarettes?maby then there would be a real reson for the 3 fire trucks that came