Girl, 15, Struck and Killed By Van in Brooklyn
A 15-year-old girl was struck and killed by a van Tuesday afternoon as she crossed the street in Midwood, Brooklyn.
At 2:49 p.m., police came to the intersection of East 7th Street and Avenue O after a report of a pedestrian struck by a car. They found Sara Kishik lying unconscious and unresponsive in the street.
Police learned that a 2006 Ford Econoline van headed east on Avenue O struck Kishik as she crossed from the north side of the street to the south.
Paramedics took Kishik to Maimonides Medical Center, where she was pronounced dead, police said.
The driver remained at the scene after the incident, and criminality is not suspected, police said. Police have not indicated whether citations or tickets have been, or will be, issued.
Hashem! Oy, bd”e!
#2 – yes and frum
One might hope this would convince people to look both ways and wait for the walk symbol.
#3 you know nothing of the circumstances of the accident! How dare you write this when you have her parents and her mishpocha in this horrific matzav!
Dorothy Berman
The car came very fast- No matter what she did or didn’t do. Pedestrians have the right of way.
Concerned in MA
To #2… I googled her name & several headings said “Orthodox girl”, Those articles said “The family are members of congregation Ateret Torah in Flatbush”.
My feeling is that her religion should not matter in a case such as this. A young life ended tragically in an accident. She will never have the chance to marry, to have children, or see her childrens children.
So sad.
ATT #2
Who cares if she was jewish or not! A human life is a human life – you read a story like this and the first thing you ask “jewish”? How about Baruch Dayin Emes on whoever’s life was cut so short.
Dorothy Berman
You are right. It doesn’t matter whether she was Jewish or Gentile- she was a human being. She had her whole life ahead of her.
to #7
please, dont pretend. of course it hurts more if a member of your family was hurt as opposed to a stranger. stop playing.
why are there so many bad things happening when is moshiach coming
TO #4 & 7
#4, You may have Daas Torah, but your not a mentch! Hashem should have pity on your confused soul and teach you to be a baal horachamin and have simpathy for broken hearted parents instead of accusations that are unfounded and cruel. and to
# 9, yes, it hurts more when it’s a family member, but a tragedy of loss of life is still a tragedy regardless.
and MR. DAAS TORAH; Maybe, just maybe the driver was busy on his cell phone texting etc? and therefore to busy to notice an innocent girl crossing the street???? It’s a shame DAAS can’t be bought at the drug store….. or I would have treated you to some!