Bochur Struck by Car, Seriously Injured

An American Bochur was struck by a car as he was crossing the Eastern Parkway service lane earlier this morning.

The incident took place in front of 749 Eastern Parkway, where according to multiple eyewitnesses the Bochur crossed in between two parked cars and was hit. He suffered a serious injury to his ankle, but it is not life threatening.

Hatzalah and EMS treated the Bochur at the scene and transported him to a local hospital.

A large crowd of spectators gathered at the scene, and a number joined the driver, a black woman, and together they began accusing ‘the Jews’ of ‘setting up the accident’ so that ‘they’ can make insurance money.

Police arrived on the scene a while after the patient was transported and filed an accident report.


  • Wrong people

    ‘setting up the accident’ so that ‘they’ can make insurance money.

    WRONG! That’s the Russian’s game. They caught a bunch of them a few years ago but it’s probably still going on.

  • Thank you

    What a revelatoin!
    According to previous reporting, I thought only “Zefatim” crossed in the middle of EP and got hit.
    I did not know that cars hit Americans also.

  • Jews?

    What chutzpah for the African Americans to say such a thing when someone gets injured? They should be arrested for hate incitement.

  • Very important!

    I BH heard that a community askan recently had a meeting with the NYPD, to work on proposed plans of erecting a barrier down the center of Eastern Pkwy.

    BH, there were no fatalities as of yet (and this Bochur should have a complete Refua!), but it did come close before.

    My mother (out-of-towner), really appreciated the island (and its traffic-effects) recently constructed on Empire Blvd. She remembers in the ’60s there were 2 yiddishe fatalities there R“L, one was Rabbi Levy z”l of Bais Yaakov d’Rabbi Meir.

    Also, Please provide the Bochur’s name (and kapitel) for Tehillim!

  • enough already

    Why are we always doing the right thing & then whenever a Jew is hurt by a non-Jew, it’s fake? If “the Jews” are faking accidents, according to our Black neighbors, then Hatzalah shouldn’t bother wasting their precious time & efforts when one of them gets hit by a car. Let them wait 10 minutes for EMS. When it comes to faking accidents, they cornered the market. I saw a woman do it on an icy sidewalk in front of a Jewish-owned store. She refused to get up & she was not hurt at all. We all had to step over her to get into the store.

  • That would never enter my mind

    Setting up the accident? It must be something THEY would have done.

  • Oh reallly?

    For some reason, I don’t really believe the driver and co. were in fact “blaming the Jews” for trying to “collect insurance money.” Seriously, it makes no sense. How could every story have some ridiculousness? Cops never help, an accident has to have “people placing blame” and more.

    It doesn’t really make that much sense.

  • Speed Bumps Now!

    It might have made no difference in this case, but why don’t we get speed bumps on the north and south service road of Eastern Parkway?

    Speed bumps are being installed all over now, it’s about time we should have them around 770, and in blocks near schools and dormitories!

  • Alexander

    Don’t cross between parked cars, the driver does not expect it. Also stay on the sidewalk until it is safe to cross at the crosswalk. We have an obligation to guard ourselves from anything that can hurt us. Please to save a half a second it is simply not worth the risk.

  • Accident staged?????

    They only said that the Jews set up the accident to make money because that is what THEY do over and over. A few years ago a black kid on skateboard,rammed into my passenger side mirror and smashed it. A group of blacks told the kid Lie down and we will call the police. We now have a case of the “infant” ( he is 16 years old) vs Us.

  • annoyed

    wut in the world is with these ppl?? everything that happens was “set up” or our fault. gosh go find some other ppl to complain abput!!

  • on my nervs.....

    these black ppl get me on my nervs…. i hate it when they do stuff like that…. “it was set up” or “it was that jews fault…” what is there prob.? cant they shut up and acuse themselvs instead of us??


    If he was so seriosly injured why are they taking the time to splint his leg, and then going enroute to the ED ?

  • dear fellow bochurim

    How many people have to get hit for you to learn that you may just be the next one? what in the world are you thinking? no, not the guy who got hit! I’m talking to every bochur who’s too lazy to walk an extra 50 feet to the corner of Kingston Ave. to cross the street! You don’t need to be american, israeli, jewish gentile, running, walking, etc. etc. There’s no special qualifications in this dangerous game. The rule is: 1)you go 2)car go 3)car hit you! it’s as simple as that!
    And may the Bochur have a speedy Refua Shleimah! Please let us know his kapitel and name and mother’s name

  • GET REAL!!

    speed bumps all over town indeed! and why are they getting these speed bumps all over town simply becuase we are “teaching” kids from an early age that crossing in the middle of the street is “normal” and darting out into the the middle of a busy street is “normal” and waiting for a light is for slow people who have time to wait! GET REAL!!!
    we dont need speed bumps on every stupid little street (union and kingston a great example) what we need is safety lessons for children and parents!! not more speed bumps to make things even more of a hassle for drivers who are already dealing with an overload of changes for “safety” of pedestrians who cant stop and look before they cross!

  • 3. Thank you

    What a revelatoin!
    According to previous reporting, I thought only “Zefatim” crossed in the middle of EP and got hit.
    I did not know that cars hit Americans also.

    All Israelis are the kind of people who cross in middle of Eastern Parkway Not only “Zefatim”

    I lived in Israel for 5 years Israelis aren’t careless. Its because unfortunately they’re used to being under a lot of presure

  • Shlomie

    Why doesn’t the NYPD do what they do on busy streets in Israel.
    And put a 7 foot barrier in the middle of Eastern Parkway. To stop people from crossing in the middle of the street.

  • Speeding backwards in a Service Lane

    A CH resident was very concerned in grabbing a parking spot on the EP service lane outside 770. After all a great spot! He sped backwards at a reasonably high speed to ‘chap’ the stop. He just missed a frightened person by a “ness”. The driver then screamed at the person that it was the person’s fault for not “looking”.

  • saftey rules!!!!

    there’s a song my mom taught me when I was little about crossing the street
    “DON’T cross the street in the middle, in the middle, in the middle of the block
    teach your eyes to look out teach your ears to hear WALK up to the corner where the coast is clear and WAIT, and WAIT until you see the light turns green!”

  • What kind of שטות

    The whole thing og Israelis and crossing is mainly a problem because in places like kfar chabad there are no traffic lights and they aren’t used to it and this whole thing with the insurance is so fake. Because they don’t make ny money off of that! The insurance pays for the injury and that’s it so y wud someone go and injur themselves stam kacha???

  • I care

    firstly refuah shelaima. Secondly, I drive to Oholei Torahtwice daily and i cant tell you how i beep and drive slow on that block due to the amount of irresponsible bochrim walking in between two parked cars. Its truly insane. I dont care who you are and what your political stand is but no matter how much you believe in hashem and the rebbe and how many flags are on your shirt should not stop you from crossing at the light. Come on!!!! Id hate to hit anyone but ive come closer to it too many times. I beg you to use your brains and spear you and me from such a nightmare.

  • chaim

    its not fair that you cannot see if a car is driving because the parked cars block the lane and you cANNOT see if a car is coming

    and ive seen cars barreling down the way at 45 miles an hour

    its not fair

    the city needs to help us

  • Anon

    A) R’fuah Sh’leim
    B) Someone who can accuse others of getting into such a crash in order to claim insurance doesn’t know the CHZ”L of ‘kol haposel b’mumo posel’ – v’hameivin yovin! (I have heard of a captain sinking his ship to claim insurance, but to get hurt; one would have to be nuts. Certainly he didn’t do it for that.

  • Fake it till you make it

    I saw an out and out faked accident on the corner of East New York and Troy once. EMS was slow as usual and I was about to call hatzoloh even though the “victim” was not ours – until I saw how obvious a fake it was.