Police ‘Caused’ Accident on Troy Avenue

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Two cars collided at the intersection of Troy Avenue and Carroll Street late Wednesday evening. the accident occurred after an SUV was forced to suddenly stop and caused a ‘car service’ to rear end the SUV.

According to many eyewitnesses the accident happened as a police car that was waiting for the Carroll Street light began rolling through the intersection on a red without lights and sirens. The SUV was forced to stop in order to avoid hitting the cop car.

In both cars there were multiple passengers, mostly children, and EMS was not notified.

A police source said “officer must abide by all traffic rules when not responding to an emergency, which includes obeying red lights, and not speaking on their cell phones, unless it’s related to the job.” After the accident the officers remained at the scene and filled out the accident report.


  • Double Standards

    That’s a joke! How many cops do you know that follow traffic rules when not on a call???? Start with double parking and the list goes on.,.. There are double standards when it comes to the police dept. and everyone knows it!

  • I agree!

    To double standards

    Amen to that! I see them on their cells, no lights on after dark, all kinds of violations going on & it’s all OK.

  • Boruch ben Tzvi (A H)HaKohaine Hoffinger

    I once saw, at Remsen Ave. and Flatbush Ave., a police car open it’s window and throw out an empty pack of Marlboro cigarettes.
    It’s no big deal – but littering is illegal.
    ‘Littering,’ a crime that’s not enforced.

  • Police Report anyone?

    So Mr. Police Source… who can we report the cops to who are not adhering to traffic laws when they’re not on a call??? I’ll be the first to call!

  • cher

    it’s one thing if they are not following the rules and it won’t hurt anybody else. that’s a perk of the job, It’s totally unacceptable when they don’t follow the rules and put others in harms way because of it. There has been so many times that I’ve had to short stop because a police car didn’t bother to signal or obey the traffic lights. those policemen who caused the accident should be penalized

  • Boruch

    They always break the law. Law was deisgned for non police officers. Police officers are above the law.

  • increedibleee

    i was there it was almost me ho he hit in to i wa driving up troy ave and the cops were going down carrol super qiock it was red for him and it was green for us ad we were just driving and the car was about to hit us and we zommed up a bit an it hit the car behind us how cool?

  • resident

    when i spoke up to the 71Pct in the past about police cars going throw red lights with no siren or lights i was told they are probably trying to sneak up on a bergular. i new it was a load of junk but what rights to citizens have.