Speeding Down an Alleyway, Not a Good Idea
CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — An elderly Black woman was involved in a bizarre accident in a Crown Heights alleyway Tuesday evening, with her car ending up inside a garage.
According to witnesses, the woman was speeding down the President Street alleyway. As she approached Brooklyn Avenue she suddenly swerved and plowed into the garage, her airbags deployed. The accident caused structural damage to the garage.
A passing Hatzalah member sprung into action and assisted the driver out of her car. He made sure she was ok and remained with her until EMS arrived. FDNY and EMS responded fast and heavy, after they received a call that the car crashed into a house and was on fire.
A number of firefighters were overheard complaining about the new 911 dispatching system, blaming it for the confusion. One firefighter said, “It’s only a matter of time till one of these botched calls gets someone killed… such a waster of resources…”. Click here to watch a video of new FDNY dispatch system causing chaos havoc.

Hirschel Pekkar, Crown Heights
BH. A speed restriction sign shoul be posted on every alley, and also if appropriate, bumps on the road, in an appropriate place, not near an exit, to slow car speed, as someone can come out of their back yard into a fast moving car.
Not 100 Percent
Sounds like the elderly driver was not 100 percent before the accident.
facebook user
now that’s great reporting…. you should put thursday may….. so its eaiser to understand exactly when ….
To Facebook user
1- excellent choice of a name
2- look and read – it may not be in IM slang but i think it does say “Author: Techie Category: Accidents Published: May 20 2009”
It’s sad to see, but Mayor Bloomberg is being misled by Police Commissioner Kelly as to how emergencies should be dealt with. Kelly is concerned only with getting the most federal money for NYPD and being involved in anything that may bring some good press to him and his department. Public safety means nothing to these two men. They are putting us all at risk!