Police Involved in Accident while Responding to an Emergency
CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — A Police car was involved in an accident while responding to a call of an officer in distress. The Sergeant and two Police Officers in the Police car, as well as the driver of a commercial van, which broad-sided the cop car were injured.
The emergency was on Eastern Parkway and Franklin Avenue. The squad car, from Patrol Borough Brooklyn South, was heading up Troy Avenue and while crossing the intersection of Union Street a van slammed into the side of the car.
Witnesses said that the police car had its lights flashing and its sirens blearing, and the van driver said he heard the sirens, but was not sure where they were coming from and therefore proceeded through the intersection.
Following the initial impact the van then slammed into the rear of a parked DHL delivery van which was pushed into another parked van. All passengers were transported by EMS to Kings County Hospital.

they do try to help – but for G-d’s sake, they should be getting the tickets, not us!
angel 770
i was there when it happened, lucky me!!! i was in the other side of the sidewalk. and not everyone was hurt, i saw the driver of the van coming out of the van and the policeman seating next to the driver also came out. maybe just the driver of the police car was hurt i didn’t see him getting out of the car.
but the police was so fast to come and help,i guess b/c there is police in every corner.
It is almost impossible to judge the direction where sirens are coming from if you can’t see flashing lights. It’s extremely frightening & many times I’ve pulled over onlt to see them coming from the opposite direction or even going across behind me.
I was driving @ that time when they all responded to a call they were all fliying from everywere.on empire than crown than president then eastern pkwy i was driving on new york avenue i went on eastern pkway and i saw them all on franklyn avenue train station dose anyone knows what had happen?
observant resident
According to New York State law, when one is driving and hears a siren, he/she must pull over their vehicle to the right side of the road, until one can determine where the siren is coming from. So by admitting to hearing the siren, and claiming that he did not know where it was coming from, the driver is really saying that he wasn’t aware of this law, or perhaps didn’t care about it, and admitting that he had not acted properly.
I think this is a wide spread issue throughout the city; drivers to not give nearly enough respect and deference to emergency vehicles. One can never know what the emergency is, and what kind of disastrous occurrence can happen by delaying response for even a short moment.